
Thursday, April 14, 2016

So Many Miracles!

There is a definite learning curve to writing a missionary.  It took us some time to figure out how to get the most information out of Hayden.  I have learned each week to ask him two or three questions at the beginning of my email.  He then answers them in return.  Sometimes the questions are as simple as, "Did you get the package?".  One week I asked him when the last time was that he cried on his mission.  (It must have been a good thing to ask, because it was just that week he cried.)  This week I asked him the best and worst part of his week.  This was his reply.

Best part of my week was hearing the "still-wet-from-the-font-Alfredo" give his testimony about the Atonement. 

Worst part.. Well I didn´t really have anything bad happen. 

In his group email, he explains a little more about Alfredo.

"Alfredo was bapped. Super cool dude! He´s been waiting for a surgery for 5 years to restore full function because he´s partly paralyzed. He got mugged and was left pretty bad, but right after he passed his baptismal interview, he got a call saying that his operation would be this Tuesday! So many miracles. 

Josefina will be married and bapped this week. SO cool!

Love yall
Elder Clegg"

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